28 abril 2006

sem palavras

“_ A drinking lunch on a school day. What a nice surprise.
_ (...)
_ Are you worried about tomorrow night?
_ Not really.
_ Are you going to talk to me, or shall I get my paper out?
_ I'm going to talk to you.
_ Right.
_ (...)
_ What are you going to talk to me about?
_ I'm going to talk to you about whether you want to get married or not. To me.­
_ Ha ha ha. Hoo hoo hoo.
_ I mean it.
_ I know.
_ Oh, well thanks a fucking bunch.
_ I'm sorry. But two days ago you were in love with that girl who interviewed you for The Reader, weren't you?
_ Not in love, exactly, but...
_ Well forgive me if I don't think of you as the world's safest bet.
_ Would you marry me if I was?
_ No. Probably not.
_ Right. Okay, then. Shall we go?
_ Don't sulk. What brought all this on?
_ I don't know.
_ Very persuasive.
_ Are you persuadable?
_ No. I don't think so. I'm just curious about how one goes from making tapes for one person to marriage proposals to another in two days. Fair enough?
_ Fair enough.
_ So?
_ I'm just sick of thinking about it all the time.
_ About what?
_ This stuff. Love and marriage. I want to think about something else.
_ I've changed my mind. That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard. I do. I will.
_ Shut up. I'm only trying to explain.
_ I mean, maybe you're right. But were you really expecting me to say yes?
_ I dunno. Didn't think about it, really. It was the asking that was the important thing.
_ Well, you've asked. Thank you.”

Leve como deve ser. E livre pra pensar em um milhão de coisas.

22 abril 2006


gosto de filmes de relacionamentos mal sucedidos. gosto de músicas de despedida. gosto de livros que movem meus pensamentos enquanto caminho na esteira.

às vezes me pergunto se eu não deveria gostar de filmes de explosões. se não deveria deixar de lado meus livros e minhas intelectualidades. se as coisas não seriam mais simples. se eu deixaria de enxergar as feiúras que vejo ao meu redor. se eu não teria menos preguiça e se eu gostaria mais do que faço. mais simples.

ou se não deveria reinventar minha fé. como minha avó. que acha que esta vida é um céu.